Saturday, February 14, 2009

Google Game

So I was reading B-Side Blog which is one of the funnier things on the internet, when I read about this new google game. it's pretty simple - just go to Google and type in quotation marks around your name and then "likes to" (Ex: "Joseph likes to"). Type in the first ten things that come up and re-post in your own note.

The results are in bold, my comments are below:

1. Joseph likes to sing!
(Especially "Glamorous" by Fergie! That way I can work on my spelling too.  G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S!!)

2. Joseph likes to play sports.
(Since I played baseball nonstop til I was 23, not a real breaking news story, but do go on)

3. Joseph likes to watch.
(Dammit, that was supposed to stay secret.)

4. Joseph likes to party.
(I like to party. I like, I like, to party. Good luck getting that song out of your head)

5. Joseph likes to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends.
(I mean, ANY excuse! Groundhog Day. Arbor Day. Monday. A Tax Law CLE, etc.)

6. Joseph likes to play sports...
( bed. Oh the fortune cookie game - the gift that keeps on giving.  At least if you have a maturity level equal to that of a 10 year old, like me)

7. Joseph likes to party.
(I apparently am 25 again and living in DC with Johnny Mac and Kosak.  My poor overmatched liver)

8. When he is not taking part in outdoor activities or hanging out with his family, Joseph likes to read John Grisham novels.
(It's true, that man could never win enough Pulitzers in my eyes. "Playing for Pizza" is our generation's "Ulysses")

9. Joseph likes to be beside the seaside.
(I hope my penchant for rhyming doesn't become known to my friends in the voyeur world. How embarassing!)

10. Joseph likes to slide.
(This is either about my baseball playing or about my liking to watch. Either way I agree)

and just because I'm having way too much fun with this:

11. Joseph likes to play video games but enjoys outdoor sports as well.
(Google knows me better than I know myself!)

12. Joseph likes to play sports.
(This includes such sports as "play hide and seek with Clancy", "gua sha Jessica's neck and back", and "see how long you can hide in his tree before John Grisham catches you watching and calls the cops."

13. Joseph likes to eat it all.
(Every last inch, er, bit.)

14. When not outside Joseph likes to color and is currently working on staying in the lines, which he is doing great at!
(Thanks! I've really been working on that!)

15. A big hitter at 6-feet 3-inches, 235 pounds, Joseph likes to cause havoc in opponents’ backfields.
(To be perfectly honest, I like to cause havoc everywhere I go. I'm just glad I do it in opponents' "backfields" and not their "backsides.")

16. Along with singing, Joseph likes to tell a story or two, a talent he picked up from listening to Elders, storytelling tapes, more Elders and reading short stories.
(Look, bottom line - you can never listen to the Elders enough. They give it to you straight AND give you smarties to eat!)

17. Joseph likes to roam from his protection pocket.
(I think they meant that I like to roam WITH my pocket protector. Simple mistake.)

18. Joseph likes to help with chores around the house
(If that chore is peeping, eating it all or partying, then YES I DO!)

19. Joseph likes to travel too.
(Well duh, how else would I get myself to the houses where I peep into?)

20. Joseph likes to remain in a military uniform with gun holsters on each side, carrying two identical loaded revolvers.
(This is how I cause havoc in opponents' backfields)

1 comment:

Jack said...

I'm not going to do the whole game, but the most enjoyable one that popped up (#2) was "When not fielding calls from incredulous members of the gamer, or pixelante, community, Jack likes to relax by eating puppies, molesting Japanese ..."

Pretty good.