For starters, this is directed to all "right wing nutjobs" and not "conservatives." This post does NOT apply to all conservatives - just those who are speaking of an Obama Presidency as if it's the end of the world. In fairness, I happen to be fairly liberal, but I agree with conservatives on some issues and can at least respect their opinion when I disagree. However, this post is not directed at rational conservatives at all...this is directed at people like this. Too many McCain backers are going off the deep end with their comments and fears right now - if I was a Republican I would be embarrassed by their actions. The end of the world as we know it is not upon us. A few corrections of your hysterical ramblings are in order:
1. Obama is not a socialist. Socialism "refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society." Obama is an advocate for slightly increasing the tax burden of the top 5% of the country in order to reduce taxes on the remaining 95%. He has never said, nor has he done ANYTHING to imply that he is going to take property or take the means of production away from those in power. To believe otherwise is complete rubbish. He has presented a tweaking of the progressive tax system - a system that has been in place for nearly 100 years. He is not advocating the creation of a new imbalanced system, just a slight adjustment to the current one that would benefit NINETY-FIVE percent of the nation...including those protesting most loudly against it.
Also before anyone begins yelling that one of the biggest proponents of a progressive tax system was Karl Marx, please note that long before him a man was advocating it as follows: "It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion." The crazed socialist thinker that wrote this? Adam Smith. Author of the Wealth of Nations and a firm believer in the free market.
2. Obama is NOT a communist. This notion is so moronic I truly can't believe people even believe it. (of course people also apparently continue to watch shows like "Two and a Half Men" while shows like "Arrested Development" get let's say I don't have a lot of faith in the intelligence of my fellow humans at times). Again, communism "is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general." Please point to one...just ONE....example of a time when the President-Elect has advocated a classless society or that everyone will have equal (or even somewhat equal) ownership of the assets in the United States. Raising the top 5% income tax rates is not communism. Ridiculous.
3. Obama is NOT a terrorist. Again, this is ridiculous. When William Ayers committed his acts years ago, Obama was a boy. To think that upon meeting Ayers in his capacity as a professor Obama would be suddenly taken in with terrorist ideology is an argument radiant with ignorance. In addition, I'm guessing that if the University of Illinois-Chicago has hired Ayers and allows him to teach its students, that they feel he is no longer a danger to anyone else either. To say Obama is a terrorist not only demeans his ability to be his own person, but also speaks to the idea that once a person commits an act of violence that he is always the same person mentally who committed that act. One is saying that nobody can learn from their mistakes and nobody deserves a second chance.
4. Obama is not going to swoop in and take everyone's guns. First of all, here is the Second Amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." I'm not going to get in a discussion of caselaw, mainly because I would fall asleep, but nowhere does it grant the right of American citizens to own any and all firearms they desire. While I am a strong advocate of gun laws, I would never deny a person to right to protect themselves or their family through a ban on guns. Nor will Obama. Even if Obama supported banning any and all gun ownership (which he has never said, nor have any of his actions - or any of the actions of the Democratic party supported), the NRA and other lobbies are certainly strong enough to prevent it. So people are going to continue to have matter who is the President. Rest easy militants.
However, those who are rushing to buy AK-47s and other similar guns, sorry, but the Second Amendment does not guarantee you the right to have any gun you choose.
5. Obama does not want 4 and 5 year olds to be taught how to have sex. The President-Elect has supported legislation that teaches only "age-appropriate" information to help authorities and teachers be able to determine if a child is being molested. They're not going to learn about penises and vaginas. Come on.
Look, I understand that some people don't like Obama, nor Democrats, nor anything remotely liberal. And that's okay. But stop freaking out that this election is the end of the world, and weeping into your pillows. South Park hit it perfectly last week when it made fun of people TOO excited about Obama's election and people TOO terrified of it. At one point the kids ask Mr. Garrison to take Ike to a hospital and he yells back at them "Don't you get it! There's not going to BE a hospital."
There's going to be a hospital people. Settle down.
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7 years ago
1 comment:
Agreed on all counts, but I'm also a fairly liberal bloke with a few conservative leanings.
In addition, "The Daily Show" hit this nail on the head during the campaign by interviewing people from rallies for both candidates. Both sides were EQUALLY ridiculous about the trauma and detriment this country would face post-Election should the other side be the victor.
Nice writing man! Keep up the good work!
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